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Mortgages: How Much Can You Afford?
Nov 3, 2011 . Your mortgage payment consists of four components: principal, interest . A good rule of thumb is that PITI should not exceed 28% of your gross .

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mortgage rules of thumb


Ernst & Young LLP

4 Different Rules of Thumb For How Much House You Can Afford ...
Jan 2, 2007 . The rule of thumb I've always heard is that your monthly housing expenses ( mortgage, property taxes, insurance, HOA dues) should be no .

25 Useful Financial Rules of Thumb
Mar 9, 2009 . A rule of thumb is a general guideline, an easy way to approximate a . So, if your family makes $120000 per year, your mortgage should be .

How much home can you afford? Use our simple calculator
If you won't live long enough to pay off the mortgage . Here's the super-quick rule of thumb: Most people can afford a home that costs up to three times their .